About Us
Universal Exchange Inc. (UNIEX) is a wholly owned subsidiary of Sustainable Communities Corporation (SCC) described here. UNIEX was incorporated in Montana as a benefit corporation, and is registered with FinCEN as a money services business (MSB).
Being a registered MSB grants UNIEX legal authority to operate as a complementary currency bank anywhere in the United States. As such, it will issue complementary currencies in all 50 states and US territories, and manage the exchange of those currencies between all participating parties.
There is a long history of non-government entities issuing their own currency, primarily for economic development purposes, as described on SCC’s website https://scf.green. There have been a number of particularly successful examples in history that SCC has used as models to build a comprehensive economic, environmental and social development program called the Sustainable Communities Framework (SCF).
The SCF closely resembles the Green New Deal (GND), a proposed federal program first introduced in Congress in 2019. The key difference between the SCF and the GND is that the proposed GND would be a nationwide (top down) program funded by the government, whereas the SCF is funded by the people and is a regional rather than nationwide development solution.